Tuairisc oibre 2020 - 2021 foilsithe ag Tascfhórsa Uíbh Ráthaigh — Tascfhórsa Uíbh Ráthaigh

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Nuacht agus Ócáidí

Tuairisc oibre 2020 - 2021 foilsithe ag Tascfhórsa Uíbh Ráthaigh

Caitlin Breathnach

Seoladh Tuairisc Idirthréimhse an Tascfhórsa ag ócáid in Ionad na Dromoda, Cillín Liath ar an 25ú Iúil, 2022. Tá cóip den dtuairisc ar fáil tríd an nasc thíos.

An interim report on the work of the Tascfhórsa was launched at an event in Ionad na Dromoda, Cillín Liath on the 25th July, 2022. A copy of the report is available through the link below.
